
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Countdown to Halloween day 2-My Favorite October Reads

Who doesn't love to curl up with a good book? Here's one of my favorite books to read when the leaves start to turn and the world takes a turn towards the weird and mysterious:

Doctor Faustus
Written by Christopher Marlowe (a contemporary of Shakespeare) this play tells the story of Faust. Faust is  a scholar who, upon mastering all other arts and sciences, turns to magic and sells his soul to the devil in exchange for 24 years of power. A chilling tale about the error of pride, Faustus is given opportunity after opportunity to repent and save his soul, but his pride and his lust for power always keep him from seeking forgiveness from his God. In the end the devil's servants drag his soul to Hell. If you, like me, grew up watching Wishbone (you know, the little dog that tells stories) you might recognize the story of Faust. Although the Wishbone episode is based on Goethe's version of Faust , published 200 years after Marlowe's, they are both based on a much older German legend, so it's basically the same story. Here's the first part of the Wishbone version:

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